Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Standard Maven installation in Linux / Unix . 10 /10

Unix-based Operating Systems (Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X)

  1. Extract the distribution archive, i.e. apache-maven-3.1.1-bin.tar.gz to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.1.1. These instructions assume you chose /usr/local/apache-maven. The subdirectory apache-maven-3.1.1 will be created from the archive.
  2. In a command terminal, add the M2_HOME environment variable, e.g. export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.1.1.
  3. Add the M2 environment variable, e.g. export M2=$M2_HOME/bin.
  4. Optional: Add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to specify JVM properties, e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m". This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.
  5. Add M2 environment variable to your path, e.g. export PATH=$M2:$PATH.
  6. Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK, e.g. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_02 and that $JAVA_HOME/bin is in your PATH environment variable.
  7. Run mvn --version to verify that it is correctly installed.

How to connect to any machine without password using SSH ? And how to configure ? 9/10

Hi All,

Here I am going to show you how to connect to any machine with the use of ssh.

Here we consider two machines  ( both are Linux here)
1) Master
2) Slave

Now the scenario is, I want to access Master machine from Slave Machine.

What to do:

- Install openssh-server in both of these machines.
                       Use command 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server'
- ssh configuration files are created in the location ' ~/.ssh ' is a directory.
- Since Slave wants to connect to Master, Slave needs public key of Master machine in it.

Note: Think the machine name nagarjuna@nagarjuna-Aspire-4736 is a Master Machine.


- Generate public key, using ssh-keygen command in Master machine


- we get files like below, can see using tree command.


- Here we need the file named ' ' to be copied to Slave machine.

Key Copying process to Slave Machine:

- Create a touch file with the name ' authorized_keys ' under the .ssh folder in the Slave machine.
- And now copy the Masters ' ' content to ' authorized_keys ' file using below command
  ' cat >>authorized_keys ' .
- Now connect to Master using the command ' ssh nagarjuna@nagarjuna-Aspire-4736 ' in the Slave Machine.

Troubleshooting :

- If you are unable to connect to master machine. Follow below steps
1) The above process will be successed only when domain is registered with an IP address.
2) Otherwise edit the public key - meaning - at the end of the public key, we will see domainname like
nagarjuna@nagarjuna-Aspire-4736.  Here you have to replace nagarjuna-Aspire-4736 with the IP address of Master machine.
3) Now try to connect.

If you want to know the IP address of Master machine, use the command ' ifconfig ' , You will IP.

If you still facing problems while connecting, then try to restart ssh server service in both Machines using
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

All about premitive and characters...conversions...etc ************************

The Low level  discussion of primitive data types and Representations :

byte notation   bit notation                                                        combinations            range

1byte    = =      8bit    = =    pow(2,8)                                            256                -128 to +127
2byte    = =      16bit  = =    pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)                           65536          -32,768 to +32,767
4byte    = =      32bit  = =    pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)             xxxxxxx           xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
8byte    = =      64bit  = =    pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)*pow(2,8)  xxx              xxxxxxxxxxxxx

In java primitive

byte  - The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer.
short - The short data type is a 16-bit signed two's complement integer.
int    -  The int data type is a 32-bit signed two's complement integer.
long - The long data type is a 64-bit signed two's complement integer.

float - The float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
double - The double data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

char - The char data type is a single 16-bit Unicode character. It has a minimum value of '\u0000'  (or 0) and a maximum value of '\uffff' (or 65,535 inclusive).

here char is of 16 bit unicode so it's data representation will be in the form of hexadecimal like /uffff

here hexadecimal start with '0' and ends with 'f'

so numberin will be like below

0    - 0
1    - 1
2    - 2
3    - 3
4    - 4
5    - 5
6    - 6
7    - 7
8    - 8
9    - 9
10  -A
11  -B
12  -C
13  -D
14  -E
15  -F

TOTAL numbers from 0 to 15 are 16, means base 16.

char clarification :
    Literals of types char and String may contain any Unicode (UTF-16) characters. If your editor and file system allow it, you can use such characters directly in your code. If not, you can use a "Unicode escape" such as ' \u0061' ( Latin small letter A)

below code will give you clarity

code snippet:
char i= '\u0061';
char j= 97;
char k= 'a';



Value conversions: 

From the above code, let us discuss on char 'a'

\u0061  -  it is in hexa decimal notation  -- 16bit -- 2byte -- pow(2,8)*pow(2,8) -- combinations of 16 bits in binary representation.

0000000001100001   is the Binary representation of character 'a' ( total 16bits)  use this link1 or link2 to calculate the value of this binary code.

convert it into decimal like this

0*pow(16,3)+0*pow(16,2)+6*pow(16,1)+1*pow(16,0) =  0+0+6*16+1*1 = 0+0+96+1 =  97 

So, 97 is the decimal notation of character 'a'.

To be continued.......

sources: ****

Binary String to Integer conversion ..

Convert a Binary string to Integer...

code snippet:

method 1 :-
import java.util.*;

public class BinaryToInt{

public static void main(String nag[]){

Scanner console= new Scanner(;

System.out.println("enter any binary number:");


System.out.println("int representation of the given binary is:"+binaryToInt(binaryString));


private static  int binaryToInt(String numberString){
int result=0;

int numberStringLength=numberString.length();
char[] binaryCharArray=new char[numberStringLength];

for(int i=0;i<numberStringLength;i++){

int[] binaryIntArray=convertBinaryCharArrayToBinaryIntArray(binaryCharArray);

result= calculateBinary(binaryIntArray);

return result;

private static int[] convertBinaryCharArrayToBinaryIntArray(char[] charArray){

int arrayLength=charArray.length;
int[] intArray=new int[arrayLength];

for(int i=0;i<arrayLength;i++){


return intArray;

private static  int calculateBinary(int[] binaryIntArray){

int value=0;
int arrayLength=binaryIntArray.length;

for(int i=0;i<arrayLength;i++){



return value;

public static  int pow(int value, int power){

int v=1;
for(int i=0; i<power;i++){

// System.out.println("loop:"+(i-1));
return v;
}//end class

method 2 :-
Use    Integer.parseInt(String str, int num);  directly